Monday, October 1, 2012

Back In The Day: Oct. 3-9

Oct. 3, 1849 - American author Edgar Allan Poe is found delirious in a gutter in Baltimore, Maryland under mysterious circumstances; it is the last time he is seen in public before his death. He died four days later of unknown causes. (He was 40 years old.)

Oct. 4, 1927 - Gutzon Borglum begins sculpting Mt. Rushmore. With the help of 400 workers and $989,992.32, it was completed 14 years later.

Oct. 5, 1947 - The first televised White House address is given by U.S. President Harry S. Truman. He was our 33rd president and the last U.S. president without a college degree.

Oct. 6, 1967 - Hippies living in Haight-Ashbury throw "The Death of the Hippie" ceremony (a mock funeral) to mark the end of hippies. (Acts like Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead, and Janis Joplin all lived a short distance from the San Francisco intersection.)

Oct. 7, 1959 - Far Side of Moon seen for first time, compliments of USSR's Luna 3. The mission lasted 207 days and 29 pictures were taken. All contact with the probe was lost on Oct. 22, 1959. (It is believed to have burned up in the Earth's atmosphere in Mar. or Apr. of 1960)

Oct. 8, 2003 - Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected the governor of California. He made his third appearance as the title character in Terminator 3: Rise of Machines, that same year.

Oct. 9, 1930 - Laura Ingalls is the first pilot, man or woman, to complete transcontinental flight around South America. Her trip included stops in Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. (Amelia Earhart was the first to make the trip non-stop 2 years later.)

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